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Prompt: In what way did you personally grow this year? How did you demonstrate or rebuild the resilience needed to move forward during this time? How will you utilize resources and your support network to hold yourself accountable in continuing this growth?

This year was an absolute whirlwind, for me and for the world at large. The global pandemic rocked every aspect of my life to its core, from my academic pursuits, my professional career, to my personal relationships. But after reflecting on the events of the past year, and specifically my graduation, I have come to see that all of the ruptures created by the effects of COVID19 are truly just more openings for even greater opportunities.

Throughout my college career, I have been a meticulous planner. For example, I had my class schedule for my senior year planned out when I was a freshman. But with COVID19, many of my plans had to change or were canceled altogether. I was thrust into a very unknown and stressful situation for me. I didn’t understand where to go from here. Not only had my plans changed, but it was close to impossible to replan, as the pandemic brought just as much uncertainty as change. I was forced to step out of my comfort zone and embrace this uncertainty. In a way, I was forced to live more in the moment, something I have struggled with my entire life. And thanks to COVID, I was able to do just that. I was able to spend more time on a design competition that has now become one of my favorite projects to date. I was able to reconnect and visit with friends whom I had not been able to see in years. I was able to spend more quality time with my family back in Michigan after being away at school and co-op for the majority of my college career. I was able to work more hours with my classes and have even more savings for graduate school. So yes, I did miss out on a lot my senior year due to COVID19. But I was able to gain so many more opportunities that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. And rather than constantly looking forward, I focused on what I could do now. While future planning is important, being present in whatever phase you are currently in will make the journey to that future all the more meaningful.

I am beyond excited to step into graduate school, the next phase of my career. I am overwhelmed with the amount of support that will accompany me – from my friends and family to all the alumni resources at the University of Cincinnati. It truly is an honor and privilege to say that I have graduated from this incredible university and to be a member of its alumni community. Every year, even those affected by the pandemic, have been a blessing and a joy. By far the best times of my life – and what I have learned while at UC will only make the rest of my life even greater.

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