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My name is Jordan Zauel, and here at UC I hope to take advantage of the different opportunities given to me in the honors program. I hope to continue to travel abroad, serve and explore the local Cincinnati community, and design and create as much as I can in DAAP. To achieve these goals, I will use the strengths that I had coming into college and the ones I have developed while here. I am already growing into the woman I hope to be: she is adventurous, she is driven, and she is strong. Already, here at UC, I have gone on numerous adventures, from getting lost in DAAP to getting lost in Kentucky. The passion I have for the work and designs I’m creating in DAAP has driven me to work for hours on end, and to produce work I didn’t think my hands could create. The exposure I have had to numerous lifestyles and beliefs in college has not weakened my values, only strengthened them, and at the same time allowed me to appreciate the values of others.  Coming into college, I was positive, talkative and curious. I am still all those things, but now I am also adventurous, driven, and strong. I cannot wait to continue my adventures, continue my design, continue to grow as a person here at the University of Cincinnati.

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